Back to School: Embracing Routine and Reflecting on Summer Balance

Written by
Charlene Currie

While some may see the end of summer as bittersweet, I can’t help but feel excited. For many, the back-to-school season signals the return to structure and consistency after a few months of ever-changing schedules, vacations, and spontaneous plans. Don’t get me wrong—summer is wonderful, filled with adventure and fun, but I thrive on routine. And now, as we hit the first week of September, I’m looking forward to everyone settling back into their own rhythm.

From an operations and systems point of view, routine is incredibly powerful. You can’t refine a process until it’s consistent. The more frequently you do something, the more efficient and effortless it becomes. Whenever there’s a shift or change in how things are done, it requires more energy and focus. So, while I’ve loved the spontaneity of summer, I’m ready to dive back into the regular flow, where I can focus on refining and improving processes, both personally and professionally.

This mindset has been instrumental for me as a business owner, especially when I think back to my first summer as an entrepreneur. I had no idea what to expect. It felt like a constant hustle to get my business off the ground, and I struggled to balance work and downtime. That’s where my mastermind coach, Kimberley Dempsey, stepped in and introduced me to a summer challenge bingo card.

The summer challenge was a game-changer. It had categories for personal bucket list items, wellness goals, business tasks, and social media planning. Filling it out at the beginning of summer gave me a sense of structure and balance, allowing me to enjoy summer while still staying productive. Even when I felt like I wasn’t working enough or that everything was moving slowly because others were on vacation, the bingo card helped me see the progress I was making.

Sometimes, looking at it, I realized I wasn’t giving myself enough time to recharge, and that was okay. It was a reminder that you have to fill your own cup before you can pour into others or even run your business effectively. The challenge brought me confidence in knowing I was on the right track, even during the slower summer months.

Now, as I look back on that summer challenge, I feel accomplished and ready to embrace the consistency that September brings. Routine allows us to focus, grow, and refine both our personal lives and business operations. I’m excited for the return of that routine and the opportunities it brings to build even more momentum.

If you’re feeling the same mix of excitement and reflection as summer winds down, take a moment to appreciate the progress you’ve made and get ready to harness the power of routine. After all, consistency is the foundation for success.

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